What Is the Best Way to Lose Fat?
Remember to eat healthy and exercise regularly and you will lose unwanted weight. “That’s an absolute minimum – you don’t want to go below that. Thanks! Yes No Not Helpful 0 Helpful 7 Question How do I lose weight as a teenager in a month? Community Answer Losing more than 4 lbs per month (1 lb per week) is unhealthy. Use a BMI calculator to help you decide of your weight is good for you Thanks! Yes No Not Helpful 2 Helpful 13 Question I have tried to lose weight, but give up after a couple of days. Not just that, quick weight loss results in a nasty rebound where you gain it all back and more as soon as you stop whatever extreme diet that caused you to lose the weight. Teammates Will HelpGetting together with other people who are looking to lose weight or lower their body fat percentage can be helpful, whether it’s to play sport or just talk about your approach to fat loss in general.“Consider joining a local sports club,” says Lawson, “or just find someone else with the same interests or goals and do it with them, and you’re more likely to sustain it over time because you don’t want to let anyone else down. Some people are doing that three times a day every day.”
Search Add New Question Question Can I tell if my health is okay by weight? Community Answer Yes and no. Remember that being healthy is good, but you don't want to overdo it with diet and exercise. Eat In Line With What You’re Doing That DayYour diet should adapt to how active you are each day, rather than eating the same amount no matter what you’re doing.“Strip it back to the fact we’re effectively machines and we have to fuel our daily lifestyle,” says Lawson. And then 20 minutes later we realise we’ve overeaten. Proteins, carbohydrates and fats are the fuel, and you can’t afford to take on too much because if you do you’re going to store the excess as body fat.“If you’re going to have a particularly active day, then you might need a bit more, but if it’s been a day at home, then you can’t really afford to have things like sweets, chocolate, crisps – the processed foods we snack on that don’t really have any nutritional value.”2. If you mean health as in fitness, probably not. Thanks! Yes No Not Helpful 0 Helpful 4 Question How do I lose stomach and thigh fat quickly as a teenager? Community Answer Sadly, you don't get to choose which areas you lose fat from, most of your natural shape is based on genetics. Avoid sugar. “It’s not good for the gut, for the absorption of the nutrients. Thanks! Yes No Not Helpful 3 Helpful 16 Question How can I lose weight and fat without gaining muscle? Community Answer Eat healthy. Making healthy lifestyle changes in general will help you lower your body fat.1. Most healthy males will have a body fat percentage of 10-15%.”As well as sex, age is another factor that can affect your body fat percentage.“As we age, our body fat percentage should increase slightly,” says Lawson. Get Moving Any Way You Can“To be honest any sort of exercise will help,” says Lawson. And once you start enjoying the sports, after some time you will forget about it. “That’s not necessarily an unhealthy thing – it’s part of the ageing process.”It’s also important not to get too obsessive about that one number.“It’s the overall level of muscle mass as well, and having a healthy height-to-waist ratio, having a healthy waist circumference… all those factors are important,” says Lawson.See related How To Measure Body FatWhat Is A Healthy Body Fat Percentage? The Best Smart Scales To Track Your Body Composition4 Tips For Reducing Your Body Fat PercentageWhen trying to reduce your body fat, you don’t have to focus directly on it. If you just sign up to a gym, you’ve got to be really motivated, because you have no-one to let down but yourself.“GPs are going to start seeing patients with diabetes as a group – we dietitians we already do that – and there’s a lot of evidence for the effectiveness of group therapy. The evidence shows that breaking sedentary behaviour is the best thing you can do. Losing fat comes with a good diet and maintaining muscles requires a stable protein diet. Thanks! Yes No Not Helpful 1 Helpful 5 Question How do I lose fat if I have problems eating vegetables? Community Answer Vegetables can be made more enjoyable with the addition of dressings, seasonings and sauces. “For many people it’s about just spending a bit more time being active. If you’re reading this in the hope of finding a series of fat-loss body hacks – perhaps discovering that the secret of losing weight lies in eating a little more of a particular spice or drinking a special tea – then prepare to be disappointed. There isn’t a quick and simple trick to it: you’ve got to eat a healthy diet, get moving, sleep well and look after your mental health too.For advice on what a healthy body percentage is and how to go about achieving it, we enlisted registered dietitian Matt Lawson who’s working with Tanita, a company that makes smart scales which monitor body fat levels.Why is reducing your body fat percentage a good goal?Focusing on lowering your overall weight is a good idea when you’re trying to be healthier, but if you can pinpoint that you’re losing fat instead of muscle mass that can be an even better indication of whether you’re getting fitter.“Your levels of body fat are very important,” says Lawson, “because there’s lots of evidence that people who have a very high percentage of body fat are more at risk of things like metabolic syndrome and diabetes.”What is a healthy body fat percentage?“Essential body fat would be 5-6% for a man, and 12-15% for a woman,” says Lawson. Then you will believe that you can do anything. Even if you can just do a 20-minute walk in the evening before your dinner each night, that would be a positive thing.”If you’re really short on time and want to maximise the effect of your workout, HIIT workouts might be the way to go.“There’s evidence that HIIT provides more bang for your buck in terms of time,” says Lawson. Swimming is very good for this, because swimming uses many muscles, including core muscles, which will help work off body fat. Exercise regularly. Do a lot of walking or other cardio exercise to lose weight overall, and do crunches to work on your abdominal muscles. There’s no excuse for saying you’re too busy, because we’ve all got 20 minutes haven’t we?”3. This can simply be a small trip to a fun place or a new privilege each time you lose a certain amount of weight or stick to the diet for a certain amount of time. Thanks! Yes No Not Helpful 0 Helpful 0. Everyone has muscles and you can't avoid them. Depending on your BMI, you can see if your body is at a good weight. Just try to keep to a good variety of vegetables within the range of ones you do like. What is the best way for a thirteen year old to lose weight and stick to a program? Community Answer Start signing up for sports. “So if you only have 20 minutes then try doing something at a higher intensity. Once you start enjoying yourself, no negative thoughts will come to your mind. We’re all in it together; people are facing the same problems.”4. Also, stick to vegetables you really like, there is no need to force yourself to eat veggies you hate. Thanks! Yes No Not Helpful 0 Helpful 4 Question What do I do if I don't feel comfortable going out to swim or play sports because I'm fat? Reeta Bhagat Community Answer Don't worry about what people say. Make Time For Your Meals“It’s not good to bolt down your dinner down in five minutes in front of the television,” says Lawson. Go back to sitting at the table, try to make the meal an event – that’s better for the gut and also allows us to recognise the food we’ve eaten. “Think about what you’re doing on this day and what fuel you need. Take your time losing weight by maintaining a healthy diet and getting a reasonable amount of exercise. Thanks! Yes No Not Helpful 2 Helpful 10 Question Will I lose muscle as well as fat? Community Answer Not as long as you you maintain a good strength routine. If this does not work, you can try to ask for help from your parents or doctor. A lot of people bolt their dinner down so quickly that they’re soon looking for something else, because they haven’t thought about what they’ve just eaten. Reducing your body fat is an admirable goal and an eminently achievable one, but it takes a fair bit of commitment. So when people talk about aiming for 3% or 5% body fat, it’s completely absurd and far too low.“Anything between 12% and 20% for a women could be considered healthy, and for a man you’re looking at no lower than 8%. Also try different ways of cooking, such as stir-fry, baking, steaming and poaching for a range of textures. Muscles aren't bad. Create a reward system.
Search Add New Question Question Can I tell if my health is okay by weight? Community Answer Yes and no. Remember that being healthy is good, but you don't want to overdo it with diet and exercise. Eat In Line With What You’re Doing That DayYour diet should adapt to how active you are each day, rather than eating the same amount no matter what you’re doing.“Strip it back to the fact we’re effectively machines and we have to fuel our daily lifestyle,” says Lawson. And then 20 minutes later we realise we’ve overeaten. Proteins, carbohydrates and fats are the fuel, and you can’t afford to take on too much because if you do you’re going to store the excess as body fat.“If you’re going to have a particularly active day, then you might need a bit more, but if it’s been a day at home, then you can’t really afford to have things like sweets, chocolate, crisps – the processed foods we snack on that don’t really have any nutritional value.”2. If you mean health as in fitness, probably not. Thanks! Yes No Not Helpful 0 Helpful 4 Question How do I lose stomach and thigh fat quickly as a teenager? Community Answer Sadly, you don't get to choose which areas you lose fat from, most of your natural shape is based on genetics. Avoid sugar. “It’s not good for the gut, for the absorption of the nutrients. Thanks! Yes No Not Helpful 3 Helpful 16 Question How can I lose weight and fat without gaining muscle? Community Answer Eat healthy. Making healthy lifestyle changes in general will help you lower your body fat.1. Most healthy males will have a body fat percentage of 10-15%.”As well as sex, age is another factor that can affect your body fat percentage.“As we age, our body fat percentage should increase slightly,” says Lawson. Get Moving Any Way You Can“To be honest any sort of exercise will help,” says Lawson. And once you start enjoying the sports, after some time you will forget about it. “That’s not necessarily an unhealthy thing – it’s part of the ageing process.”It’s also important not to get too obsessive about that one number.“It’s the overall level of muscle mass as well, and having a healthy height-to-waist ratio, having a healthy waist circumference… all those factors are important,” says Lawson.See related How To Measure Body FatWhat Is A Healthy Body Fat Percentage? The Best Smart Scales To Track Your Body Composition4 Tips For Reducing Your Body Fat PercentageWhen trying to reduce your body fat, you don’t have to focus directly on it. If you just sign up to a gym, you’ve got to be really motivated, because you have no-one to let down but yourself.“GPs are going to start seeing patients with diabetes as a group – we dietitians we already do that – and there’s a lot of evidence for the effectiveness of group therapy. The evidence shows that breaking sedentary behaviour is the best thing you can do. Losing fat comes with a good diet and maintaining muscles requires a stable protein diet. Thanks! Yes No Not Helpful 1 Helpful 5 Question How do I lose fat if I have problems eating vegetables? Community Answer Vegetables can be made more enjoyable with the addition of dressings, seasonings and sauces. “For many people it’s about just spending a bit more time being active. If you’re reading this in the hope of finding a series of fat-loss body hacks – perhaps discovering that the secret of losing weight lies in eating a little more of a particular spice or drinking a special tea – then prepare to be disappointed. There isn’t a quick and simple trick to it: you’ve got to eat a healthy diet, get moving, sleep well and look after your mental health too.For advice on what a healthy body percentage is and how to go about achieving it, we enlisted registered dietitian Matt Lawson who’s working with Tanita, a company that makes smart scales which monitor body fat levels.Why is reducing your body fat percentage a good goal?Focusing on lowering your overall weight is a good idea when you’re trying to be healthier, but if you can pinpoint that you’re losing fat instead of muscle mass that can be an even better indication of whether you’re getting fitter.“Your levels of body fat are very important,” says Lawson, “because there’s lots of evidence that people who have a very high percentage of body fat are more at risk of things like metabolic syndrome and diabetes.”What is a healthy body fat percentage?“Essential body fat would be 5-6% for a man, and 12-15% for a woman,” says Lawson. Then you will believe that you can do anything. Even if you can just do a 20-minute walk in the evening before your dinner each night, that would be a positive thing.”If you’re really short on time and want to maximise the effect of your workout, HIIT workouts might be the way to go.“There’s evidence that HIIT provides more bang for your buck in terms of time,” says Lawson. Swimming is very good for this, because swimming uses many muscles, including core muscles, which will help work off body fat. Exercise regularly. Do a lot of walking or other cardio exercise to lose weight overall, and do crunches to work on your abdominal muscles. There’s no excuse for saying you’re too busy, because we’ve all got 20 minutes haven’t we?”3. This can simply be a small trip to a fun place or a new privilege each time you lose a certain amount of weight or stick to the diet for a certain amount of time. Thanks! Yes No Not Helpful 0 Helpful 0. Everyone has muscles and you can't avoid them. Depending on your BMI, you can see if your body is at a good weight. Just try to keep to a good variety of vegetables within the range of ones you do like. What is the best way for a thirteen year old to lose weight and stick to a program? Community Answer Start signing up for sports. “So if you only have 20 minutes then try doing something at a higher intensity. Once you start enjoying yourself, no negative thoughts will come to your mind. We’re all in it together; people are facing the same problems.”4. Also, stick to vegetables you really like, there is no need to force yourself to eat veggies you hate. Thanks! Yes No Not Helpful 0 Helpful 4 Question What do I do if I don't feel comfortable going out to swim or play sports because I'm fat? Reeta Bhagat Community Answer Don't worry about what people say. Make Time For Your Meals“It’s not good to bolt down your dinner down in five minutes in front of the television,” says Lawson. Go back to sitting at the table, try to make the meal an event – that’s better for the gut and also allows us to recognise the food we’ve eaten. “Think about what you’re doing on this day and what fuel you need. Take your time losing weight by maintaining a healthy diet and getting a reasonable amount of exercise. Thanks! Yes No Not Helpful 2 Helpful 10 Question Will I lose muscle as well as fat? Community Answer Not as long as you you maintain a good strength routine. If this does not work, you can try to ask for help from your parents or doctor. A lot of people bolt their dinner down so quickly that they’re soon looking for something else, because they haven’t thought about what they’ve just eaten. Reducing your body fat is an admirable goal and an eminently achievable one, but it takes a fair bit of commitment. So when people talk about aiming for 3% or 5% body fat, it’s completely absurd and far too low.“Anything between 12% and 20% for a women could be considered healthy, and for a man you’re looking at no lower than 8%. Also try different ways of cooking, such as stir-fry, baking, steaming and poaching for a range of textures. Muscles aren't bad. Create a reward system.
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